Villa Adriana. I percorsi antichi is conceived to let explore Adriano’s Villa (Villa Adriana), the magnificent retreat of roman Emperor Adriano, in various ways. We have come up with a classic and discrete design for highlighting historical contents and an immersive technology to create an immersive experience.


The app gives the chance to explore the archeological site through lives and places where the inhabitants lived, and this is why rooms and hallways where they probably walked in, are traced with different colors (red for Ardiano, pink for his wife Sabina, grey for servants…), allowing visitors to track them. Furthermore, when a visitor is close to a point of interest, his smartphone starts to vibrate to point it out.


To increase the immersive experience, a realtime 3D model of Grande Vestibolo (the main hall of the house) makes possible to see the original architecturals features overlaid on today’s remains. During the visit, GPS locator enables the haptic feedback guided tour.